Step 4: Log into AWS Instance

Log into the newly created AWS Instance by downloading the Remote Desktop File, then obtain an encrypted password by plugging in the Key Pair file downloaded in the previous step.

Now that the Windows Instance has been created for your ArcGIS Enterprise in EC2, it's time to begin the Enterprise installation process by connecting to the instance, downloading, and securely logging into the remote desktop. Security is the top priority in this step, as it's the initial entry point for the newly created Windows Instance.

For added security, AWS implements additional security measures before logging into the newly created remote desktop. First, it creates a Remote Desktop File specific to the newly created Instance and Elastic IP. This file ties into the public DNS created in the previous step.

Download the Remote Desktop File, then an additional security prompt will require you to obtain an encrypted password specific to your Key Name with your downloaded Key Pair Path PEM file. Once this PEM file is decrypted, your Remote Desktop Password will become available for use. This seemingly lengthy process is an industry standard practice for the proper security of servers created in AWS.

Steps to Log into the AWS Instance

  • Enter EC2

  • Select Instances, right-click and 'Connect'

  • Select the 'Download Remote Desktop File' button to connect to your instance

  • Once downloaded, select 'Get Password'

  • Choose the PEM File downloaded earlier, select 'Decrypt Password', then copy the password

  • Open Remote Desktop File, and paste password when prompted

  • Remote desktop will now open

After successfully logging in, we're ready to turn of IE Enhanced Security settings.

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