Step 12: Configure DataStore

Learn how to configure the DataStore inside of ArcGIS Server Manager.

With the ArcGIS Server installed, it's time to configure the DataStore. The DataStore is where all of your data will be housed. This connects the Server with data from your ArcGIS Online account and registers the database on the newly installed Server.

Steps to Configure DataStore

  • After Logging into Server Manager, select 'Site' tab

  • Choose 'Data Stores' to change 'Register' from 'Database' to 'Managed Database'

  • Find/create .sde file (search *.sde in C:Drive)

  • Select geodata.sde

  • Copy SDE file accessible (to downloads folder)

  • Return to 'ArcGIS Server Manager'

  • Select 'Site' tab

  • Select 'Database'

  • Register in Managed Database

  • Input a value in the 'Name' field (datastore)

  • Import .sde file

  • Go through the Wizard

  • Select 'Validate All', then the Green Check Mark will display

Now that the DataStore has been configured, it's time to install ArcGIS Portal.

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