Step 16: Install ArcGIS Data Store

To install ArcGIS Data Store, you will first want to install the downloaded executable file from Step 1. This will install the setup files for the data store, it will most likely open the prompt to in

You will continue to use the AD service account to install the ArcGIS Data Store.

Once the ArcGIS Data Store is installed, it will either open up at https://localhost:2443/arcgis/datastoreor you can navigate there manually: https://localhost:2443/arcgis/datastore.

The ArcGIS Data Store will be configured with the ArcGIS Server credentials, and will create a Relational for Hosted Services and a Tile Cache database.

Once the ArcGIS Data Store is installed, log in to the ArcGIS Server manager to ensure that the ArcGIS Data Store is completely valid. This is important for Federation.


To complete the configuration process, you must now federate the ArcGIS Server site with your Portal and set it as the hosting server. Please sign in to your Portal as an administrator and navigate to My Organization > Edit Settings > Servers. Use the Add Server option to federate the site. Then set the site as the hosting server and click Save.

Then make that server your Hosting Server because that is where you installed the ArcGIS Data Store.

You will now see your Federated ArcGIS Enterprise.

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