Step 1: Create an AWS Instance from Community AMI

Learn how to create an AWS Instance from a Community AMI in the AWS Marketplace.

When building the ArcGIS Enterprise in AWS, the first step is to create an AWS EC2 Instance from the Community AMI. An EC2 Instance is a virtual server in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for running applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) intrastructure. Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) provide the information required to launch an instance. Community AMIs are basically pre-configured servers offered in AWS. To learn more, check out the AWS documentation on Community AMIs.

Esri offers a solution in the AWS Marketplace to leverage Community AMIs for ArcGIS Enterprise, using ArcGIS 10.6 software. This document will outline the steps required to create and configure an AWS EC2 Instance from the Community AMI for ArcGIS Enterprise.

As System Optimization and Performance are critical factors in order to run the Jumpstart for ArcGIS Enterprise timely and effectively, it's important to set the "Instance Type" accordingly.

Steps to Configure an AWS EC2 Instance

  • Log into the AWS Management Console and select the 'EC2' Link

  • Verify Region/Zone

  • Select 'Launch Instance'

  • From the left-hand menu find 'Community AMI'

  • Select 'AWS Marketplace'

  • Search for the 'ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 for Windows'

  • Select 'ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6 for Windows'

  • Select Instance Type 't2.large'

    • This size is slightly above the AWS recommended 't2.medium', but will enhance system optimization and performance.

  • Proceed by selecting ‘Configure Instance Details’

  • When prompted to 'Add Storage' you may instead advance to 'Add Tags'

    • As the existing block storage for this task will suffice there is no need to add additional Elastic Block Storage (EBS).

  • Add Tags by filling out the 'Key' and 'Value' fields

  • Advance by clicking 'Configure Security Group'

  • Rename the 'Security group name' field to reflect the name used in the 'Value' field from Step 5

    • Example - "ArcGIS 10.6 Enterprise Demo"

  • Add inbound security for the Instance using an 'RDP' type, then set the source for the 'RDP' to 'My IP'

  • Add 'HTTP' & 'HTTPS' types

  • Advance by clicking 'Review and Launch'

  • Create New Key Pair or use and existing PEM

  • Click 'Download', then select 'Launch Instances'

  • Select 'View Instances'

    • Located at the bottom right of page

  • Wait for Instance to finish initializing before advancing to next step

Now that we've set up the instance, the next step is to Setup Elastic IP for the instance.

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