Step 11: Install ArcGIS Server

Learn how to install the ArcGIS Server on your Remote Desktop.

Now that all of the key components are activated on your Remote Desktop, it's time to begin the installation process starting with the ArcGIS Server.

First, find and open the "ArcGIS Server Manager" located in the ArcGIS programs from the Start Menu. Once open, click "Create New Site", creating a unique username and password for access into the Server. It's recommended to use the same username and password during this step as well as the Portal Install step, to avoid any potential confusion.

This step will take approximately 15 minutes. So don't worry, your computer didn't freeze!

Steps to Install ArcGIS Server

  • Open ArcGIS Program Files, and find ArcGIS Server Manager

  • Create New Site, then plugin Username and Password

Run the install executable for ArcGIS Server. This is just to install the setup files for ArcGIS Server.

Once the setup files are installed the next step is to actually install ArcGIS Server, navigate to where you installed the setup files (see previous screenshot if you are unsure).

The install will prompt you with a wizard, this is where you’ll determine your property settings. In this example we kept the default settings.

The screen shot below shows the AD “Service Account”, which is a User account that is responsible for running the ArcGIS Enterprise software.

Authorize ArcGIS Server

Authorize the ArcGIS Server software, either using a license file or using the Authorization codes for your account.

Create ArcGIS Server Site

Once the ArcGIS Server install is complete, a browser will open with the Web Wizard to create the ArcGIS Server site, otherwise you can navigate to https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager/.

If you’re not joining an existing site, run a standard install by selecting “Create new site”.

You will be asked to create an admin ArcGIS Server Account. Default is siteadmin, store this password, you will use these credentials throughout the install.

Specify Root Server Directory and Configuration Store.

Complete the wizard and wait for the ArcGIS Server to create your site. Your local ArcGIS Server URL will be https://localhost:6443/arcgis/manager/.

  • Follow through prompts with no changes or adjustments

  • This step consists of installing an entire server, so be aware that this takes some time

Once ArcGIS Server has installed, the next step will be to configure the DataStore.

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