Step 17: Install LetsEncrypt

Steps to Install LetsEncrypt

  • Google "LetsEncrypt Windows Install"

  • Find GitHub Result

  • Download latest release as a Zip by selecting 'Releases' tab, once downloaded, choose 'Extract All'

  • Find 'Command Prompt' via Start Search

  • Right-click, 'Run as Administrator'

  • Click and drag the letsencrypt application file into Command Prompt Window

  • Select option N (Create New Certificate)

  • Select Option 1 (Single Binding)

  • Choose desired URL from list to Create Certificate

  • Enter email address

  • Quit once finished

  • Restart site in IIS once completed

  • Test Portal

    • Use https:// and Enter Site URL + /portal at End

  • Log into ArcGIS Enterprise for test

With LetsEncrypt installed, let's configure ArcGIS Portal and Server.

Last updated