Multi-machine deployments

Your portal is currently being restarted and will require a couple of minutes to complete. When you click OK, you will be directed to install the Web Adaptor, and configure it with your portal using the initial administrator account. After configuring the Web Adaptor, you can sign in to your portal using the initial administrator account.

In order to access your portal, you need to install the ArcGIS Web Adaptor and configure it for use with Portal for ArcGIS. To get started, see About the ArcGIS Web Adaptor. Once you've installed the Web Adaptor and configured it for use, you’ll access your portal using the Web Adaptor’s URL.

To install the ArcGIS Web Adaptor setup files, run the install executable for ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

The Web Adaptor will now want to install some necessary components.

Once the setup files are installed, the next step is to actually install the Web Adaptor for Portal for ArcGIS. Navigate to where you installed the setup files (see previous screenshot if you are unsure).

Since this web adaptor is for Portal for ArcGIS, you will want to name to web adaptor something that makes sense for portal. In this example we’ve simply named it “portal”.

When ArcGIS Web Adaptor is done installing you will see the following screen.

Next, it will open a url: http://localhost/portal/webadaptor

Here you will be asked which product this web adaptor is for. Since we are using Portal, we’ll select Portal for ArcGIS.

If you see the warning below, you’ll need to enable port 443 in IIS.“Configuration Prerequisite: You must enable SSL and bind your security certificate to port 443 on your web site before you can register the Web Adaptor with Portal for ArcGIS. To learn more, see Enabling SSL on your web server.

Once the Web Adaptor is configured you will see the url as: https://localhost/portal

To set WebContextURL go to:

The set the System Properties:





Note that portal is up, let’s configure AD.

In portal Admin you will want to navigate to security > config such as: The best way to do this is to “Test Identity Store

Once completed you will get a return object, which has the encryption password.

Use this to “Update Identity Store”.

Last updated