Step 15: Web Adaptor for ArcGIS

Learn how to configure ArcGIS Portal with your ArcGIS Web Adaptor.

Steps to Configure Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Portal

  • Ensure Site is Started in Services (World Wide Web)

  • Open Web Adaptor for Portal, and select Portal for ArcGIS when prompted

  • Enable SSL Cert

    • IIS - Select Default Website, Bindings, Add HTTPS & HTTP with SSL, and set Host Name to * to allow anything through

  • Restart Service (EC2___) Refresh Web Adaptor Portal

  • Copy & Paste Portal URL from the page where Web Adaptor was just created

  • Use credentials that were established with Portal, then click 'Configure'

  • Open Portal URL, add/portaladmin after /arcgis in URL to open REST looking Interface

  • Select System, Web Adaptors, Select Unique Web Adaptor, add “/edit” to end of URL to Edit Web Adaptor

  • Change Machine Name and Web Adaptor URL to Custom Web ID given in Route 53

    • Be sure to keep https:// and /portal in URL when changing

  • Change Machine IP to Reflect IP Elastic IP in EC2 Instance, then click 'Edit Web Adaptor'

  • Go into IIS to Restart Server when Edit is Completed

  • Change HTTPS Binding to reflect new Host Name URL

With Web Adapter configured, the next step is to install LetsEncrypt.

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